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Yoga & Wellness with Keri~Ann

    "personalized yoga & wellness sessions"   



Interested in holding one of these workshops at your studio, retreat, home or wellness center?

The Workshops are open to everyone and even if you have never practice yoga before.

Please feel free to contact Keri-Ann  for more details.  



Yoga Train the Trainer Intensive Workshop


Yoga Train the Trainer is great for all employees in the health field.  This is a very beneficial program that can help the patients, RN’s and Doctors to develop a healthy resilience and a healthy community.   This program helps with sleep, stress, physical activity, and overall health. 

The most important of all is to keep morale up and the community together. 

This is an intensive (5 consecutive days or an all day workshop),

to learn the basic beginner level of yoga. 


At the end of the training the health provider will receive 

Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Units (CEU).


In the course the student will learn how to

Teach a 60-minute Yoga Class


Mind Body Technique

Yoga postures (asanas) 

Breathing techniques (pranayama)

Yoga sequencing and anatomical alignment

Relaxation and stress reduction specific to the Patient/Doctor/RN stressors

Yoga specific for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

Relaxation Techniques (savasana) and Yoga Nidra



Chakra & Yoga Balancing Workshop

In this workshop we explore the meaning behind each chakra and build a gentle yoga sequence that compliments the chakra. With each chakra we begin the process to balance through yoga postures (asana), meditation, aromatherapy (Young Living Essential Oils), affirmations, mantras, and breathing techniques that helps you connect more deeply. 

At the end of the workshop, there is a deep relaxation (yoga nidra).  



Ayurvedic Yoga Workshop: 

The Vata Dosha

Are you feeling not grounded, restless, racing thoughts, talking very fast, going from subject to another, experiencing dry skin or just feeling unbalanced?

Late fall/winter is a Vata time of year where you may feel more out of sorts then say during the summer time. 

This workshop will help you learn the tools to help balance yourself in your daily life.

The workshop is a combination of information and a yoga practice so please wear layers, bring a blanket and something to cover the eyes.



Ayurvedic Yoga Workshop: 

The Kapha Dosha

Everybody wants to be a little more relaxed and laid back, right? That would be the Kapha personality. Everyone loves a Kapha! But when Kapha is out of balance you could experience lethargy, fatigue, depression, weight gain, attachment, and allergies. Spring is also the Kapha time of year were we area moving from winter into spring and your body is going through it’s own natural cleansing ritual. In this workshop you will learn the tools to help you get back in balance through this change of the season.

The workshop is a combination of information and a yoga practice so please wear layers, bring a blanket and something to cover the eyes.  



Ayurvedic Yoga Workshop: 

The Pitta Dosha

If your body type (“dosha”) naturally runs hot (“pitta”), then summer’s warmest days can be particularly uncomfortable. Pittas will feel more overheated and agitated than usual in the heat. In this workshop, you will learn to manage problems caused by too much heat. You’ll gain the tools to help balance your fiery pitta and stay calm and cool in your daily life through diet, lifestyle, yoga and yogic breathing techniques.




 *All The workshops are a combination of information and a yoga practice. 

Included in the workshop is an information folder for you to take home.*



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